søndag den 8. april 2012

Took at beating by Tau

Ok so I tested a list with my unfinished, proxied and unpainted Thousand Sons count as Grey Knights army.

My opponent was Andy who brought his Tau.

I tried a Crowe list with six minimal purifier squads and 5 dreadnoughts at 2000 points.

Lets just say it did´nt work out for me very well. The moment I was shot out of the rhinos or I got out of the rhinos myself, I was literally torrented to death by massed fire from drones, kroots, firewarriors, devil fish and what not.
We ended the game in turn 4 when I was down to four single troops. My dreadnought were more or less intact though. But not like they were gonna score objectives.

I still got alot to learn. Both about GK lists and how to play them. Thats for sure. Since im really new to playing Grey Knights I want to try out alot of different builds and find what suits me.

So what could or should I do different next time, besides getting Andy drunk before we play.

My play style differes alot depending on which army I play. But predominantly im a cautious player. This probably comes from spending the first two years of my warhammer 40k life playing Chaos space marines.
Because of this getting used to and mastering an aggressive list like the Crowe list is a new game for me.

But what about your Dark eldars then? Well I dont play then as aggressively as a Crowe list needs to be played. They got speed and they got a tad more range than the Grey Knights. The dark eldars play alot like my chaos list with two great exceptions. I swapped chaos marine durability for dark eldar moveability. A trade im beginning to get used to.

My list building probably also needs some tweaking. The minimal sized squads looked good on paper but 3+ armor save only gets you so far.
So next time I will trade both venerable dreadnoughts for 15-20 more marines in the rhinos. Another thought is to run the 5 man purifier groups in heavy bolter razorbacks behind the rhinos with the 10 man groups in them.
Will have to test that build also.

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