onsdag den 25. april 2012

Game 2 at Clash of the Titans

The first game was wrapped up in a nice package of whoopass, so I went out for a sandwhich and came back with a burger.

My second game was going to be against a newcomer to the tournament scene.This was his second tournament ever.

Peter T. had brought a list of 100+ orkses and loads of walkers.
Peter is a really pleasant guy and I hope to play him again at some future tournament.

His list was as follows:

2 Big Meks with KFF
10 Kommandos with Snikrot
10 Lootas
3x 30 boys
2 Deffdreads
3x3 Kans with assorted weapons which I do´nt remember.

The deployment for our match was spearhead.
Peter won the rolloff and decided to go first.

Pregame thoughts:
Doing the math quickly in my head, I concluded that I would need five turns rounds of average shooting and wounding from my Venoms and average cover saves from his orks to kill all his boys. Which ofcourse again would mean they needed to be alive for five turns.

On the other hand I would also have to deal with 11 walkers. That would be up to my ravagers and trueborns.

Alot of things would have to work, for me to be able to deal with the orcs. They would be ahead from the get go, since they could swamp the objectives and start gaining points of them every round.

Peter deployed a standard Kan-wall at the 12 inch line from the center of the board. Snikrot and crew went into reserve. I deployed back out of range of his lootas and everything else shooty, ready to lay down fire.

I tried to seize, but did not succeed.

Turn 1
Peter shuffled his forces forward and took some potshots with his lootas that fell short.

I moved up aggressively and disembarked my trueborns to shoot up the kan. The rest of my Venoms, raiders and the ravagers stayed back at extreme range to shoot up the advancing horde.

My venom shooting went ok and i whittled down 17 orcs from one mob. The trueborn and ravagers were a huge failure though. One or two shaken was all that got through an amazing round of cover saves. Guess that was karma from my first game agaijnst the Dark angels, where I made all flickerfields in round 1,

Turn 2

The orcs moved up.
One venom were stunned, another immobilized and yet another wrecked to the fire from lootas and Kan shooting. Two groups of trueborn were decimated.

Not exactly my game this far.

I swung two Venoms up towards the orc  backfield to get line of fire to the lootas without cover. The remainder of my forces, except what were stunned and immobilized, moved further back into my deployment quarter.
My shooting against the boys and lootas went ok. The lootas were decimated to one man that broke and ran, the already wounded boy mob whittled down to 5 man that went to ground on an objective and a handful more deaths from the 2nd of the big mobs.
My lance shooting again whiffed badly. The best I could manage with 15 lances were two weapon destroyed. So all Kans were still intact thanks to KFF cover.

Turn 3

Snikrot turned up and ran into two of my ravagers standing close to the sideline.

The remaning of the orcs moved forward and pressed me further away from the center and the majority of the objectives. Kan assaults killed another two venoms that were stunned or immobilized from the previous turn. Snikrot and friends only managed to get in a single glancing hit for a shaken result on a ravager.

My Succubus and wyches deployed out of their raider to engage Snikrot.

Ravagers and remaining trueborns moved around and centered in on three Kans to try and kill them, since they had gotten stuck outside of KFF range, when Peter had to move a Big mek from a decimated boy mob to avoid getting him killed.

Finally my lances worked with me and I could start killing Kans two of them were wrecked. Another Kan were killed by a single raider lance, eventhough it still was covered by KFF. Amazing!

Turn 4+5+6

Peter was at this point running out of things that could kill my units as long as I could stay away from him. But he just had to hold onto objectives for as long as possible, to avoid me getting points of them. So the boys and kans hunkered down on objectives

I tried my best to kill his units at this point, since there was really no way for me to tally up enough points. I needed to go for killpoints, wiped FOC slots and dead IC points.
I got rid of several more boys and Kans and scored some points that way. But it wasnt enough. My firepower was to little and to late

Orkses hiding!

Result: a close match with many dead, especially among the ork horde.

Dark eldars: 13 Orks: 21

Post game thoughts
Ok so I did several big mistakes in this game.I should never have moved up my venoms with trueborns and deployed them. Holding back and decimating boy mobs forcing him to move his bigmeks and thereby making his KFF radius smaller would have been the way to go.
Im not sure if I could have pulled it of anyways, Theres just damned many things to kill and when you´r shooting is ineffective for two full turns, theres only that much you can do.
I also did some silly disembarks with my wyches. Getting out of the raiders at unnessecary times and not being able to embark and then turboboost them around afterwards.

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