fredag den 27. april 2012

Introducing: the troops part 1

Its time to say hello to my Thousand sons troops.

First of we got the ones who will be Strike squads or purifiers, depending on which build im going with at the time.

I got 19 stormbolter guys sitting there ready to lay down stormbolter fire. Three of them i gave icon of Tzeentch, to underline their changing ways and new commitment. All of them are equippied with kopesh og scythe looking onehanded close combat weapons.
The bodies and heads are made out of 1K sons, the stormbolters are from Grey Knights and the close combat weapons are weapon bits from chaos space marines, tomb king tomb guards and grey knights.

The special weapons and gear.

Ten of the stalwarts of Prospero are equipped with autocannons (count as psycannons). Theres also two incinerators which didnt make it onto the picture.

For close combat outfitting in the purifier squads or for justicars in the strikesquadsI got four halberds and two daemonhammers.

Next up: introducing the troops part 2, terminators and paladins

1 kommentar:

  1. Looking very nice now it only needs to be shipped to the goat to get it painted.
