lørdag den 21. april 2012

Going to Clash in Odense today!

Today im going to Odense to participate in Clash of the Titans.

Clash, besides being a good band, also is a series of one day competitions held in Odense. The local crowd over there are really nice and friendly to play with and the best of them, can give anyone a run for their money.

Odense calling in this case!

The CotT missions are rather complex for purpose of figuring who won. You get points for basically anything you can do in the game. Points if you killed IC in assault, points if you killed more units than the opponent, points if you control tablequarters, points if you got units in the opponents deployment zone and the list goes on.
I´m not entirely sure how I like that way. I mean, theres 17 different parameters on which you can score points. Guess I will have to try it before I curl up on the floor in a fetal position and start a catatonic rant.

I´m bringing my Dark eldars. Im not entirely sure about that choice since alot of the locals in Odense plays Imperial guard, and IG is probably the worst matchup alongside Space wolves that I can think of for my Mech Dark Eldars.

But if you avoid the bad matchups against good players, you will never learn how to cope.

I will post the matches (abbreviated), pictures and results monday or tuesday.

On to the list.
Its 1850 points and I put in a succubus for counterassault purposes. Only tried utilizing her once or twice before.

Succubus: agoniser

3x 3 Trueborn: 3 blasters
- Venoms with 2 splintercannons

4x 5 Warriors: 1 blaster
- Venoms with 2 splintercannons
1x 5 Wyches: haywire grenades
- Raider with shockprow
1x 7 Wyches: hekatrix, agnosier, haywire grenades
- Raider with shockprow, flickerfield. night shield

1x 3 Reavers: heatlance

3 Ravagers: flickerfield, nightshield

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