lørdag den 14. april 2012

Introducing: Thousand Sons HQ.

My newest build is actually also my oldest.

My very first army was a Thousand Sons army based on the 5th ed. Chaos space marine codex. It consisted of 3 squads of 9 Thousand son marines riding in 3 rhinos with havoc launchers.
To back them up I had 8 Terminators with mark of Tzeentch, a dreadnought with plasmacannon and missile launcher plus two defilers and 3 obliterastors.
Their leader was ofcourse a chaos sorcerer in terminator armor with mark of tzeentch.

Awesome right?

Well not so much for quite awhile. So somewhere between shifting to a Black legion build but before my Dark eldars, I scrubbed the paint off most of the army. And there it sat for awhile.

When my dark eldars were nearing completion and I wanted to build something new I looked through the darkest, dustiest area of my figure closet and found the remains of the once proud Thousand Sons CSM army. I decided to do something about that.

The idea to use the Grey Knight codex almost seemed like a godsend. They were all some kind of psykers, like the Thousand Sons were to some extent.

From there the building escalated and I added minis and models, I bought new things and converted with bitz picked up from friends and bitz sites.

Placing the Thousand Sons warband in the beginning of the Horus Herey was convenient since some of the stuff i had were Tzeentchian iconography but I also wanted to incorporate some egyptian iconography.

So the warband as they excist, are placed chronologically somewhere after the burning and escaping Prospero but before the Rubric of Ahriman.

Well onto the Headquarter units:

This guy will be my count as "Inquisitor Coteaz".
I might cut of the sword and give him a daemonhammer, but right now im out of hammers.

From the left we have an inquisitor in terminator armor with a psycannon. In the middle and to the right we have two sorcerers (Librarians).

These two lovely fellas will most likely be joined by 2 more, and end up as justicars in strike squads. On the other hand they might also become brotherhood champions or inquisitors in powerarmor.

Now this lad is Ahriman.
And what he will be used for im not entirely decided upon.

Next up I will introduce the backbone of my army. The terminators.

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