fredag den 13. april 2012

the Forgeworld order came in

Most of the stuff are for guys at my gaming club. But some of it is mine.

So whats in there for me?

1000k sons dreadnought, 2 autocannons, 2 1000k sons rhino doors, 3 razorback lascannons, 3 razorback heavy bolters,

Other stuff for some of the guys are:
2 Decimator daemon engines with assorted weapons, Nurgle dreadnought and Nurgle sorcerer, a couple of sabre defense platforms and a Hyperios whirlwind kit. And a bunch of other stuff and transfer sheets.

Fun times ahead indeed ....

The items for myself should be the final components for my 1000k sons count as Grey Knight army. Tomorrow I will begin introducing the units I build for the army. They will be painted over the spring/summer.

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