mandag den 2. april 2012

Dark eldars vs Space wolves

So I played a game today vs. Claus and his Space wolves.

As always im wary of space wolves and their splitfire longslongs, grey hunters in rhinos and priests with lightning.

Claus plays a list presently that looks something like this:

Njal and a Rune priest
5 Wolfguards with combi-meltas and a couple of powerfists.

2x 5 Scouts with meltaguns.

2x 5 Greyhunters with meltaguns in las/plas razorbacks.
2x 7 Greyhunters with meltaguns, banner and powerfists in rhinos.
2x 8 Grey hunters with meltaguns, banner and powerfists in rhinos.

2x 6 Longfangs with 5 missile launchers

The Dark eldar list im testing out presently is as follows:


3x 3 Trueborn with dark lances in Venoms.

2x 5 Wyches with haywire grenades in Venoms.
1x 5 Warriors with blasters in raiders with shockprow and flickerfield.
2x 5 Warriors with blasters in Venoms.
1x 8 Wyches with agoniser and haywire grenades in a raider with shockprow and aethersail.

3x3 Reavers with heatlance

3x3 Ravagers with nightshield and flickerfield

The mission:
The mission we played were spearhead deployment and three objectives for primary + kill points for secondary (troop choices counting double).

The battle:
Claus won the roll to begin and deployed aggressively, as close to the middle as he could get with all of his rhinos and his longfangs and razorbacks alittle further back.

I chose to reserve it all. Hoping and praying for good reserve rolls, struck me as a better choice than taking his turn one slap to the face.

The gamble paid of.

After having the wolves shuffle about for turn one and two i rolled amazing 12 out of 15 units onto the table on 4+. Among that were all of my 7 venoms.

I flew 12" onto the table with all of my units except the two reaver units that came unto the table at top speed and shredding some wolf scouts who "accidentally" were underneath them.

A shooting match ensued the following rounds where my venoms ate through greyhunters and longfangs. But as always I had trouble getting good results on vehicles. Claus on the other hand had terrible luck with his rune priest who rolled 11 on living lightning check three rounds in a row.

Njal on the other hand did very good getting results on 1-2 vehicles each round.

The wolves were getting pushed back from the middle by the overwhelming number of poisoned shots, that kept coming their way from several immobilised venoms and wyches and warriors on foot. The dark eldars had one objective firmly in their grasp and one held in the middle of the battlefield. That one could go either way though. But having the last turn I were not to worried, since I had several units ready to counter charge, should the wolves take it from the wyches, who held it covering in terrain and behind a burned and broken rhino.

In turn five, one of the reaver groups, which had spend most of the game turbo boosting over enemy units, sped towards the one objective held by the wolves.

The roll to continue came up a one, and the game ended.

Primary (objectives)
Dark eldars: 2
Space wolves: 0

Secondary (killpoints, troops counting double)
Dark eldars: 11
Space wolves: 15

So it was a small victory to the dark eldars 12 to 8 battlepoints.

Thoughts on the battle:
I was lucky on my reserve rolls but I were in two minds about whether to deploy or reserve. Deploying would have allowed me to outdeploy the wolves. I still would have lost 3-5 vehilces which would have been just as devastating as bad reserve rolls. So I chose to rely on my own reserve rolls and being able to choose where along the table edge they entered instead of having to deploy in the spearhead zone.
Thereby I forced Claus to defend against the entire boardedge, and not just my table quarter.
The battle was tight and hardfought. The loads of poisoned shots allowed me to whittle down the grey hunters and get rid of banners, before my wyches moved into close combat.

Claus also learned a hard lesson about not having his troops outside transports against dark eldars with venoms. He will not do that again I promise :)

1 kommentar:

  1. It was a really good game. I have always had a sort of fear of Dark Eldar, especially because of their speed, amount of shots and pain tokens.

    However i have only faced dark Eldar a few times, so i learned a couple of things from the game today. As Jens began with everything in reserve, i hoped for that he would roll an average on the reserve dice. I was planning to meet everything with loads of bolter fire. However i underestimated the danger of the huge amount of poisened splinter cannon shots from the venoms. THose demanded quite a few casulties among my grey hunters. Lesson learned; stay in the rhinos untill it is the right time to come out or the rhinos gets popped.

    My excact list:
    Rune Priest w. chooser of the slain, Living lightning and Jaws
    5xwolf guard w. powerfists and combimeltas
    5xwolf scout, meltagun
    5xwolf scout, meltagun
    8xgrey hunters, meltagu, wolfstandard, rhino w. dozerblade
    8xgrey hunters, meltagu, wolfstandard, rhino w. dozerblade
    7xgrey hunters, meltagu, wolfstandard, rhino w. dozerblade
    7xgrey hunters, meltagu, wolfstandard, rhino w. dozerblade
    5xgrey hunters, flamer, Razorback, las/plas
    5xgrey hunters, flamer, Razorback, las/plas
    6xLong Fangs, 5 missile launchers
    6xLong Fangs, 5 missile launchers

    Best regards
