onsdag den 4. april 2012

Splintercannon is king

Especially against Tyranids

Today I got in a game against Patricks tyranids, Now theres a scissor - paper matchup if there ever were one.

We played a 2000 point battle, me with the dark eldar list im testing out. Patrick with his Tyranids.

Primary: 4 objectives
Secondary: kill points

Pitched battle

Army lists:

Dark eldar

3x 3 Trueborn with dark lances in Venoms.
2x 5 Wyches with haywire grenades in Venoms.
1x 5 Warriors with blasters in raiders with shockprow and flickerfield.
2x 5 Warriors with blasters in Venoms.
1x 8 Wyches with agoniser and haywire grenades in a raider with shockprow and aethersail.
3x3 Reavers with heatlance

3x3 Ravagers with nightshield and flickerfield

 Tyranid (not sure what the upgrades on his units were, but there were plenty)

2x Tervigon (1 troop, 1 hq)
2x2 Hive guards
1 Venomthrope

2x9 Genestealers
20 Termagants

20 Gargoyles
2 Trygons
1 Tyrannofex

I won the roll of and gave the first turn to Patrick. I wanted to be able to turbo boost my bikes to the objectives, to contest if need be.

The short version is that I could outmaneuvre and outgun him badly and did so for the entire game. The end result were never really in doubt as first the hiveguards and tervigons, followed by the tyrannofex and trygons were splintercannoned and dark lancedto death.

After that it was mopping up with my witches. Eventhough Patrick did make some spectacular moves and bloodied my nose here and there, it was never any real threat.

This is just one of those matchups, that you have to make an effort to actually loose.

Kudos to Patrick for only bitching alittle ;)

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