onsdag den 25. april 2012

Armies put up for painting nomination at Clash

Four armies were put up for votes on painting.

The pariticpants gets one vote each and no one can vote on their own army. Its subjective how and why you vote so you can decide on your own what you wanna focus on.

Personally I want an army to be finished, be based and overall look good. I dont really care for centerpieces or single stunning models. Its an army we are voting on afterall.

That said, I gave my vote to Mathias. His army is really good looking, with lots of details and minor conversions.

Here are two pictures from each army put forward.

These amazing Tyranids won last year and  belongs to Lasse.

Next up we got Mathias and his Imperial guards.

Then we got Nicks Grey Knights.

And my own Dark eldars.

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