onsdag den 18. april 2012

How to win against necrons, a battlereport!

Well first of you seize on them.

After that you proceed to watching him fail every single armour and cover roll you make him take, in the alpha strike you just got off on him.

Ok lets go back to the beginning.

Today I played Mikael and his necrons. We always have friendly and relaxed matches and today was no different. As the battle unfolded, there was alot of deep sighs from his side of the table though.

2000 point Necrons (what I can remember of it)

Harbinger of destruction: solar pulse
Harbinger of storm
2x 10 immortals
1x 10 warriors
5 Destroyers: 2 heavy gauss cannons, 3 gauss cannons
4 Wraiths with whip coils
5 Scarabs
Nightbringer: Worldscape
2x Monolith
Annihilation barge

2000 point Dark eldars
 Succubus: agoniser
3x4 Trueborn: 3 blasters in Venoms
4x5 Warriors with blaster in Venoms
1x5 Warriors with blaster in a raider with shockprow and flickerfield
8 Wyches with hekatrix and agoniser in a raider with shockprow, flickerfield and nightshield
6 Reavers with two heatlances and champion
3x Ravager with flickerfield and nightshield

Mikael deployed most of his ranged shooters in the middle, with the two monoliths on each side of them. The warriors were kept in reserve.
I deployed to deny him a flank and all the way on my backline, to stay out of range of most of his shooting. I kept the reavers in reserve.

As it turned out with me seizing the initative, my deployment turned out to be mostly irrelevant.

Turn 1

After seizing I moved up my entire fleet of skimmers so they were between 31 and 36 inches from their targets. Which were the closest monolith, wraiths and destroyers.
The monolith were killed by the first ravager to shoot it, the other ravagers only managed to shoot the big gun of the annihilation barge, the wraiths were cut in half and the destroyers were wiped off the board by the combined fire of 84 Venom shots.

The return fire from the necrons was non-excistent and only the scarabs managed to get into close combat with two venoms. They ate one of them and got a shaken result on the other. The one exploding Venom did manage to put four wounds on the scarabs.
Solar flare was fired of and would be in effect during the dark eldar shooting.

Turn one thoughts: definately an uphill struggle for Mikael and his necrons. I already had the advantage of range against him. Now I also managed to alphastrike before he could get off solarflare.

Turn 2

The reavers came in and turboboosted over and past the scarabs putting enough wounds on them to remove all but one model.
The rest of the army shuffled around, to stay at maximum range of the necrons. The night fighting effect made sure that even with nightvision I couldnt see much. So all that I killed in shooting, was a single immortal and immobilised the annihilation barge
The wyches got out of their transport to get stuck in combat with the single remaining Wraith. It kindly supplied them with a paintoken.

The necrons moved up further and shot at ravagers but only managed to immobilize one and shake another. 
They were sitting heavyily on midfield with immortals and the remaning monolith.

Turn two thoughts: I had actually forgotten about the solar flare and night fighting when I moved.Otherwise I would probably have gotten slightly closer.

Turn 3 and 4
Back to full shooting potential.
I molested the necrons during these rounds. My venoms let loose on the immortals one group at a time and grinded them down with pure number of shots.

The necrons tried one last gambi. The harbingers split of on their own, the nightbringer got out from hiding behind the wrecked monolith and the remaining immortals moved up. Their shooting would have to be fantastic. But if they could hit with everything there would be a chance of them downing up to five vehicles putting a real dent in the dark eldars mobility and firebase.

As it turned out they didnt do anything. Either Mikael rolled 1´s or 2´s on to hit or I managed all my flickerfield saves.

Thoughts on the rounds: at this point the game was effectively over. Two units, one warrior and one immortal, remained for the necrons. They were battered and broken. We would both claim the opponents primary zones and we would both contest our own. So it would go to kill points where I was in a solid lead.

We called it quits after turn four.

Thoughts on my game:
Seizing changed up the game. I had deployed well and would probably have lost a single venom to the destroyers and nothing else. Then solar flare would have gone off. That would have messed with my first shooting round and given an entirely different game. Mikael would have been much closer with both monoliths, destroyers and immortals. That would have put an entirely different pressure on me. Now I were able to roll up his left flank and maneuvre around him on the middle of the board.

To sad that monoliths are so bleh in the new codex. They used to be so iconic,

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