mandag den 9. april 2012

Dark eldars bloodied the Blood angels

Today Jakob and I tested lists for the 40K league that starts next week.

Jakob plays a Blood Angel jumper and droppod army.

His list looked something like this:

2 Priests
1 Blender dreadnought in droppod

5 Sang. guards with jump packs
3x 10 Jump marines with meltaguns and powerfists
1 Multimelta attack bike
3 Scout bikes with meltabomb
2x 7 Devastators in droppods with 4 multimeltas
5 Devastators with 4 missiles

I tested a variant on my usual list:

2 Haemonculi
3x 3 Trueborn with blasters in Venoms

2x 9 Wyches with agoniser in Raiders with shockprow and flickerfield
4x 5 Warriors with blasters in Venoms

2x 3 Reavers with heatlances
3x 3 Ravagers with flickerfield and nightshield

The mission:
Primary - we rolled a mission where our three most expensive units would each score a point if they were in the opponents deployment zone when the game ended. The one with the most points won primary.
His three units were all his assault marines while mine were my wych units and one of the ravagers.

Seconady - 4 objectives
Deployment: pitched battle

Combat drug roll: 6 for a free paintoken. Really nice for the witches who would get furious charge and feel no pain from the beginning. Also feel no pain on the bikes is good to avoid smallarms fire.

The battle:
I deployed in the center of my boardedge since I wanted to be able to put the smackdown on him from turn one. Even if he should seize on me he wouldnt be able to reach me with most of his units till turn 2. At which point I would be gone.

As the battle evolved it became clear to me and to Jakobs great frustration that catching me would be almost impossible for him. I kept moving my force backwards away from him always staying between 25 and 36 inches from him.

I began the game with torrenting down his missile launcher devastators and one of his assault marine squads. From there I focused my fire on the groups with the priests in them to remove them and feel no pain.
One round saw all of my trueborns blast an entire assault squad outside of cover to death. The trueborns died on the counter assault by the sanguinary guards, but that did not concern me. I wanted to remove his three units that could claim my deployment zone.

The game ended in turn five. An early ending im sure the blood angels appreciated. Esepcially after I started making every single flickerfield save from turn 4 onwards.

The result:
Primary  - Dark eldars 2, Blood angels 0
Seoncady - Dark eldars 0, Blood angels 0

Thoughts on the battle:
The battle went mostly as i thought it would. I could keep outside the reach of the blood angels jump infantry aand use my superior ranged fire to first remove his few longrange shooters and after that his priests and scoring units.
My liberal use and sacrificing of bait units also went very well. Its a big relief when I do´nt play kill point missions.
Had the mission come down to secondary objectives, my bikes that were harassing backfield units, would have zoomed in to contest the blood angels objective(s).
One annoying fact was that due to the mission I couldnt risk my wyches in combat since i needed them in the blood angel deployment zone when the game ended. So they stayed out of combat for most of the game. Except those that got caught in close combat with the dreadnought, after being pinned when their raider went boom on them.

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