Disclaimer: this is not so much a battlereport as it is a drunken essay.
As it turned out, moving plastic dollies around and rolling dice came in second to having drinks.
We played with 2000 point lists. Andy wanted to try out the old school Chaos space marine build with 12 rhinos versus my dark eldars.
Andy´s list had the following in it. Or that is what I remember through my vodka haze.
Sorcerer with Lash of submission
3x 5 Chosen with 2 meltaguns, 2 flamers in rhinos
6x 5 Marine with a meltagun in rhinos
2x 5 Raptors with 2 meltaguns
3x 5 Havocs with 2 meltaguns, 2 flamers in rhinos
My list the usual bunch of wyches with tight buns and warriors in too tightfitting spandex suits.
Succubus with agoniser
3x 3 Trueborn with blasters in Venoms
5x 5 Warriors with blasters in Venoms
1x 8 Wyches in a Raider with flickerfield and nightshield
2x 4 Reavers with heatlances
3x Ravagers with nightshield and flickerfield
So where were I?
Ohh yeah we were gonna play some 40K and have drinks. Every dead model would cost us a sip, every dead unit we would have to down the drink no matter how much remained.
My drink of choice was White russians the Dude style. Andy was drinking Gin and Tonics.
We played a game of pitched battle using NOVA 2011 missions.
Im not really sure I like the Nova missions. They are either do or die on the primary objective. If that ties it goes to seconady which also is do or die and so forth.
That just ensures that some matchups are autoloss for certain armies.
Recounting the battle.
Im not gonna try and make a proper battlereport. My recollections are much to hazy for that. What I am gonna do, is post some pictures and try to make som educated guesses about what we were doing.
This is our deployment. Two of the chosen squads were outflanking and the raptors were deepstriking.
I went first and started of trying to immobilize or wreck the front rhinos.
Instead of wrecking stuff I actually exploded two rhinos. Very uncharacteristicky shooting for my blasters and lances.
The above picture is the deadpile from my first round of shooting.
At this point Andy was getting ahead on the drinking part, considering that all his shooting was shortrange.
No shooting from the Chaos marines but alot of moving forward and smoking. We decided to down our drinks just to make sure we didnt get behind on the drinking.
I split my forces in two trying to pull the chaos marines in two different directions and diffusing their power. Much easier for me to shift sides on the table with turbo boosts than it is for rhinos and footslogging chaos marines.
I sort of did manage to pull the chaos forces in two directions, but both groups of chosen decided to come in at the same time from the same side. Which sort of was bad news for me.
At this point I was starting to loose stuff to meltaguns.
Also the drinks was going to my head at this point.
Obviously the drinks were also getting to Andy. Is he trying to make love to my wall?
I was pushing the the rhinos and chaos forces away from my side. The continued fire from the Venoms and Ravagers were taking their toll.
But it would not help me. Several rhinos were sitting on the obejtctives with scoring units inside them.
So considering both of us were moderately drunk by this time, having had half a bottle of booze each or more we decided to roll the dice for continuing after turn 5 already at the end of turn 4. There were no way I could contest or claim enough objectives before turn 6. And probably not even by then.
It came up a 1 and we called it a game.
The real winner of the game was ..... the alcohol |
Andy staggered home and I for whatever reasons decided to hit the town and went to the Distortion party on Vesterbro.
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