fredag den 29. juni 2012

CotT part two, match one

My schedule this week is crazy.
Theres alot of work to be done, before we wrap up this schoolyear on friday. And then its summer vacation.

Because of that my battlereports from Clash of the Titans round two will be pretty brief and abbreviated.
Its that or wait till next week before I post them. And next week I will have three more battlereports to post from, since me and a buddy, Jens Gertsen, is going to a doubles tournament on saturday. But more on that in another post on friday.

My army:

I brought Grey Knights, literally Grey .... knights. Everything was unpainted but I wanted to play something different. Also this would be my first real fight with the Grey Knights. All I had beforehand was two test games with different lists, so I was pretty excited about the games and testing my mettle with Grey Knights.

Librarian with might of titan, sanctuary and shrouding
Inquisitoir in terminator armor with a psycannon and a daemonhammer

5 Purifiers with two halberds, two psycannons and one daemonhammer in a heavy psybolter razorback.

3x 5 Strike squad Grey knights with a psycannon in a razorback with twin linked lascannons
1x 5 strike squad Grey knights with a psycannon in a razorbackn with heavy psybolter
5 Terminators with three halberds, mastercrafted daemonhammer, and a psycannon

3x Dreadnoughts with two twinlinnked autocannons and psybolt ammo

Battle one, vs Mordrak Grey Knight list

From the top of my head this list had:
3x 5 Terminators with halberds and psycannons, one of which were ghost knights
10 Strike squad Grey Knights
2 Landraiders

This match was weird. My opponent had the worst luck ever with his dice, for the two first rounds. Rarely have I seen rolling like this.

The deployment was dawn of war, I won then rolloff and gave the mordrak player turn one, he deployed nothing. I deployed my terminators and the librarian about in the middle of my table half. The idea was that I did not have to hike the all the way from my table edge.

I did not try to sieze.

The first couple of turns

Mordrak, his ghost knights and the librarian deepstruck in right next to my terminators.
This was when I realised my first mistake. I obviously did not know the extend of what Mordrak could do. So here I was setting myself up for an alphastrike I had just given my turn one away to avoid. Silly me.

Anyways it turned out that luck favors the silly.

Three dangerous terrain rolls for the librarian and two ghost knights resulted in three ones. None of them saved on their invuls.
Then the librarian mishapped with a double six on his Warp rift.

I came onto the table hard. Everything focused their fire on Mordraks crew which took some beatings but I had to assault them to wipe them of the table. I only lost a single terminator in the process.

The next turn the strike squad deepstruck in, but mishapped and I got to place them in a faraway corner. The landraiders moved up six and fired both lascannons. Out of four twin linked lascannons they managed to miss with three of them. The one that hit blew twin linked lascannon of one of my razorbacks.

I moved my army slightly forward to get in a better position and lure him to assault me out of the landraiders. Everything I had laid into the landraiders but nothing could get through them, my str. 9 fizzled, my str. 8 couldnt get a glance in, my str. 7 rending did not do anything. It was one big plingpling fest.

The next turn the landraiders moved up and committed to the assault. My terminators were assaulted and killed to a man. My librarian lived though because the previous turn he had left the other terminators and joined the purifiers standing behind them ready to counterassault.
Again four twin linked lascannons managed only to hit once, and that resulted in a shaken or stunned. I forgot which.

In the counterassault my purifiers and librarian ran into one group of terminators and two of my dreadnoughts ran into the other group to tie them up and effietively take them out of the game.

The remaining turns

From here on it was mostly shuffeling about for objectives. The landraiders proved very resilient to my fire but from turn three I did start to get in some glances to take weapons of them. The first dead landraider died in turn five-

When the game ended my opponent had the strikesquad which was sitting on an objective and one landraider which was immobilized in a tablequarter.

I had a comfortable win in a game that would have been much closer if my opponents dice had not acted up in the first couple of turns (notice that he swapped out his dice after turn three and began rolling ok from then).

I won on points something like 33 -22

mandag den 25. juni 2012

League match 4 will be Emo Space Vampires

My fourth match in the 40K Masters League will be against Blood Angels.

Mephiston as a teen?

Im facing down Thomas Gade and his Mephiston crew.

Now Thomas is a good player with alot of tournaments behind him and several top placements. So the match will be against a good general with a very good army.

The army list:

Sanguinary Priest

2x Furioso Dreadnoughts with blood talons

5x 5 Assault marines with a meltagun, minus jumppacks in razorbacks with twin linked assault cannons

2x 1 Attack bike with multimelta
Baal Predator with assault cannon and heavy bolter sponsons

3 Predators with lascannon sponsons

Thoughts about the matchup:

Thomas plays a vehicle heavy blood angel list. Nine vehicles, two walkers and two bikes.

Stuff that does´nt worry me: Mephiston, sanguinary priest, the dreadnoughts and the attackbikes.

Stuff that worries me: everything else.

Considering his vehicles are all fast, I will have to be very careful about how I approach the emo angels. Hopefully I will be able to swing around and engage him from an angle, where most of his army wont be able to reach me on the counterpunch.

So maneuverability will be king in the showdown between two fast armies. I got the slighyly longer range on most of my weapons. The blood angels got the durability of armor.

His predators with their long range will the primary target for my ravagers, since they can reach out and punch me in the face across most of the board.

Its probably gonna be my most difficult matchup so far in the league. Eventhough I lost my last match against the Tau, that was mostly down to dice rolls and my own mistakes. This time its against the nemesis of Dark eldar armies, massed fast vehicles.

Whatever way it swings the match goes down wednesday.

fredag den 22. juni 2012

My blood bowl team is done!

My first blood bowl team all done and ready to enter the fray ....

Now I just need to find someone who actually want to play it :)

I also have a Norse team. Not sure if they ever will get painted. But if I decide to go ahead with them im gonna get the werewolves and snowtroll (Yhetee) from

/Peace out

onsdag den 20. juni 2012

Going to Clash of the Titans (part 2) this weekend

Yeah its time again for Clash of the Titans and throwing down dice with the Odense crew.

This time im not going alone. Klaus will be going too. He is one of my regular gaming buddies, who play Space wolves.

Last time i went to CotT i won two games and had a narrow loss. That was enough to put me in the first place with marginally more points than number two who was the orc player i lost to.

So now I have to defend my lead and hopefully build up some more points.

Will I be taking my Dark eldars again?

The question to that is probably no. Since im playing them in all my Warmasters 40K League matches and test games for the league matches I want to try something different.

That leaves me my chaos space marine army and my chaos daemon army. Two armies I love to play and have played extensively. But the entire point is to play something else.

I do have my entire Grey Knight army (Thousand Sons) sitting unpainted in battlefoam, just waiting for the time and inclination to get them painted up.
So considering that theres is no painting requirement at CotT, you just pay an extra entrance fee for every unpainted model, I really should bring them out and try them.

Experience vs. army power level

I had a whooping total of three games with them. All of those games were test games where I tried to get a feel for different army builds. A Crowe list, a Draigo wing and a balanced list.
I lost all three games  to my recurring nightmare Andy. The one where I got the closest to surviving was the one with the balanced list.

With that in mind im gonna take a balanced list since the specialized lists are good but they require experience to play them well.

A balanced list to some extent can be played like a shooting chaos marine list with powerful psychic, midfield and countcharge elements. That should allow me to not suck too much.
And considering the powerlevel of the GK codex it should leave me some room to make a mistake or two due to my lack of experience.

The list

To make a good balanced allround list, I have to get some rhino chassis on the table. They provide transport, cover and firepower in the form of five razorbacks. Three with twinlinked lascannons and two twin linked heavy bolters with psybolt ammo.

I also need some longranged firepower. This is supplied by three dreadnoughts with twinlinked autocannons and psybolt ammo.

Between these there should be be enough firepower to start putting dents in the opposition.

For the midfield work I have my psycannons. I will have a total of eight, two of which will be on my terminators and terminator HQ´s.

Thousand Sons terminators
Should the enemy come too close, a single group of purifiers and the terminators should be able to deal with most things.

- sanctuary, shrouding, might of titan
terminator armor, daemonhammer, psycannon

5 Purifiers
- 2 psycannons, 2 halberds, mastercrafted daemonhammer
- razorback: psybolt ammo, searchlight

5 Terminators
psycannon, 3 halberds, mastercrafted daemonhammer
4x 5 Strike squad GK´s
- psycannon
3 Razorbacks: TL lascannon,
1 Razorback: TL heavybolter, psybolt ammo, searchlight

3 Dreadnoughts
- 2 TL autocannons, psybolt ammo, searchlight

Tzeentch Dreadnoughts from Forge world

I will post battlereports next week from Clash of the Titans.

mandag den 18. juni 2012

Enter the Beastmaster unit

Having gotten slightly tired of running the exact same list every time, I posted a few weeks ago that I was going to throw in two new units in my skimmer circus.

The Hellions and the Beastmasters.

The Hellions are still being build and its not going particularly fast, since im busy with getting everything wrapped up at work before the summer vacation in a couple of weeks.

The Beastmaster unit is done though.

When both units are done and I had the time to do a decent amount of tests with each army build (see the post "Reinforcements have arrived" for the lists) I will post a comparison.

The Beastmaster unit

Not liking the GW Khymera models and thinking both Beastmasters and razorwing flocks is way to expensive I looked somewhere else in the GW range. The one demand I had, was that it had to be either plastic or resin and NOT metal. I bloody well hate metal.

After looking through both 40K and Fantasy, it came down to the following choices.

The beastmasters would naturally be made from Hellions. Just kit them out with close combat weapons and give them the blank full helmet and voila!

For the Khymeras I chose Chaos warhounds.

The Razorwings were much more difficult. But in the end the decision I made, after conferring with a couple of buddies, was to stick to the daemonic look that I had begun with the chaos warhounds.

And so the Razorwings of the Thousand Guns Cabal are daemonic instead of cute little birdies.

The Vargheists from the Fantasy Vampire Count army became my Razorwings.

søndag den 17. juni 2012

League match 3; Showdown of the xenos!

Santa came through for me!

But unfortunately he also came through for Sune.

So in that case it should be an even match?
Read the battlereport below and come to your own conclusions. Who did Santa love the most.

Pregame thoughts

As I wrote in my previous post this match would come down to one thing. Who started the game. Fortunately for the game itself that was not true. Theres nothing as boring as a game where the result is predetermined by someone starting or not starting.

Anyways. The battle would be between the Tau suits and my splintercannons and lances.

The battle itself


Would would be playing for 6 narrow bands, each 8 inches deep and 72 inches wide, for the primary objective. Each band would give a different number of points, the one at the opponents backline would be the most worth to you.
For secondary we would have kill points with troops being worth double.

And just to mix it up even more, every singlenon-vehicle unit in the game with WS that started the game with more than four models would be scoring.
Dark eldar deployment

Tau deployment

Since we ran short on time, we kind of rushed the game from turn three and I forgot to take pictures.

Turn 1

In my first turn I move up aggressively. I need to make an impact on the Tau firepower, otherwise im not gonna last beyong turn three. The raider with the five wyches zoom up in his face. The other one with the Succubus holds back to deal with outflanking kroots.

My primary targets are the suits which are wellhidden in a  ruin. Only two Venoms can see them. The rest of the force target Broadsides. First with Venoms and then with lances and blasters.

My fire is right taget hitting and wounding as it should. The suits take all their armor saves and loose a couple of drones against the two venoms.
Against the broadsides i remove several drones but my lances fail to get through the cover saves. Its enough to put morale checks on all broadside units and a single fire warrior unit that were hit by splinterrifle fire from two disembarked warrior squads.

All morale checks are passed and an intact Tau force prepares to return fire.

The suits crawl out from their hiding places and lay into my gun line.
The return fire is hard but i think I get of pretty easy with only one dead raider, three dead Venoms and one immobilized Venom.
My five wyches break and runs. They can recover though since they are above half strenght.

Turn 2

Ok the suits are out in the open now. Well not that much in the open. They are still in cover, but Sune decides not to move the back into hiding since he put more wounds on the suits themselves with dangerous terrain checks (5) than I did with my combined fire.

Both my Reaver squad enters the game and zooms up towards the Tau backline to try and get his attention.

I shuffle my forces around to get line of sight to the suits. My Succubus goes full speed up behind a piece of terrain that obscures it from most of the Tau forces but would allow me to assault right into his suit and broadside line the round after.

In the shooting phase 15 lances and blasters lay into two units of 3 suits each. After the firing is done the result is one dead suit. Sune saved 8 out of 9 coversaves on suits that would have instant killed them.

Guess Santa is giving gifts to everyone today and not just me!!

My warriors manage to break a single group of pathfinders who unfortunately only run three inches and regroup the round after.

The Tau forces has their two units of outflanking Kroots enter the game, one from each side. They enter midfield or towards my backline in close proximity of cover.

The remaining Tau forces shuffle around a bit but otherwise stays centered on the ruin.

And then the shooting commences.

Tau turn 2 before firing at my lines

After the shooting is done all I got left is three Venoms, two immobilized one of them missing a weapon, all the Ravagers were gone.

My Succubus, eight wyches and the haemonculus, also decided that getting pinned when their Raider exploded was the way to go.

Turn 3

At this point what I had left was struggling to get into cover in my own half of the table to try and go to ground and survive as long as possible. If I could contest the primary objective I would be able to get some battlepoints, since tournament points was out of the question by now.

The one thing I still had with potential to screw up the Tau were my pinned Succubus and friends.

The Tau got their remaining reserves in and the deepstriking suits with fusion blasters dropped down right behind my one remaining Venom that were doing ok and turned it into a burning pile of metal and dogpoop.

One of the commanders with his drones jumped up to use his flamer on the Succubus and friends. The Kroots moved up also to screen me of and ensure that I had to assault them and not go straight for the suits and broadsides.
After the firing were done only two wyches were dead and the haemonculus had a single wound.

Turn 4

Again the dwindling force of dark eldars were hiding in ruins except for the Succubus who along with heir harem assaulted the Kroots and the Shas´el.
Somehow the Kroots managed to only loose by a few and stayed in combat with a good morale check. Which I actually approved of quite alot, assuming I would get out of combat after the Tau turn four.

The remainder of my foces died. I now literally only had my Succubus + friends left and the three running wyches from turn 1 who finally had decided to regroup right on my backline in a crater.

The close combat ended as predicted with the wyches destroying the kroots and Shas´el. The haemonculus died but that was expected.

Turn 5 + 6

So what to do?
Well since the game was already lost to me I would try and salvage whatever I could. I had to kill more stuff to draw on the tertiary and get a couple of battlepoints with me from this match.

My wyches moved up and with fleet they managed to get a multicharge in on two groups of Broadsides and a single group of suits. The wyches won the closecombat thanks to agonisers and either wiped the suits or ran them of the table.
Afterwards they moved into cover in the ruin, that previously were the Tau firebase. Here they were out of sight by any of the oppositions forces.

The Tau mostly shuffled away from the succubus and took potshots and them and the three wyches sitting in my backfield.

And thus ended the Showdown of the Xenos with a smashing victory for the Tau.

Primary: Control most bands in the opponents tablehalf. (Tau)
Secondary: killpoints with troops being worth double (Tau). They won this one with something like 29 - 11.
Tertiary: difference of 600 points in victory points (Draw)

18 - 2 for the Tau.
Damn you Santa!

Where did I go wrong?

 I did two big mistakes. One in deployment and one in my first turn. After that it all came down to the cover saves Sune took.

My first mistake was giving the Tau a deployment zone with a building in it. It was possible for the Tau to hide the suits in the corner of it and deny alot of my firepower LOS to them.
Instead I should have given them the deployment zone where the big rocks were. Those I would have been able to swing around the sides of and get more firepower onto the suits.

My second mistake was not flying the wyches with the Succubus up into the Taus face immediately. Instead I held back assuming I would need them to clean up outflanking Kroots in my own backfield. As it turned out that was dumb. Considering when the Kroots came in I basically did not have an army any longer.

Lesson learned ..... never trust Santa.

søndag den 10. juni 2012

League match 3 vs Tau

My opponent in the third match is a player who are very wellknown to me.

We frequent the same tournaments, we hang with the same people and play at the same venues.

This time im facing Sune, a player who several times qualified and participated on the national team and attended several ETC´s.

Besides being a really good player, whom I only faced a single time and lost to, he is also among the friendliest gamers in the entire hobby.

Sune usually plays imperial guard, but he is the sort of player who performs well with any army. This time he is playing a Tau army heavy on suits.

The Tau list

Shas'el, rocket pod, fusion blaster, targeting attay, multi tracker, gun drone
Shas'el, rocket pod, plasma rifle, targeting array, multi tracker, gun drone
2 XV8 suits, 2 plasma rifles, 2 fusion blasters, 2 multi trackers, team leader, drone controller, 2 gun drones
2x 3 XV8 suits, 3 TL rocket pods, 3 flamers, team leader, drone controller, 2 gun drones
3x 10 kroot
2x 6 fire warriors
2 Piranha, 2 fusion blasters, disruption pods
2x 4 pathfinders, devilfish, disruption pods
2x 2 broadsides, ASS, team leader, drone controller, 2 shield drones, blacksun filter
2 broadsides, 1 targetting array, 2 shield drones

Thoughts on the Tau list:

Ok so Tau isnt really my strong point. I only played against them a couple of times and got my ass handed to be every single time. Ofcourse all those games were against Andy, my recurring nightmare, whom I still havent beat in a straight up competitive match.

Theres a total of 16 suits and broadsides in this army. Most of those are capabel of downing my skimmers and henche is my main worry.
Besides the suits theres kroots, warriors, pathfinders, drones, piranhas and a couple of devilfish. These all need watching since alot of it carrying strenght 5 guns which will punch my skimmers in the groin.

Thoughts on the matchup:

I need to win the rolloff.

I need to start the game.

More in this game, than in any of the other league matches I played so far.

Usually im pretty ok with going second. But against this freak show of a firing frenzy I wont survive deploying anything on the table.
So either I go first or I reserve everything and hope for a mission that plays to my army and reserve rolls that  brings most of my army onto the table in turn 2.

My target priority is pretty straightforward. I kill the suits then the broadsides then everything else.

To do that successfully though I  need to switch back and forth between lance and splintercannon shooting. The initial fire against a suit or broadside unit must be splintercannon to remove the drones. After that its dark lances to get instant kills.
When one units taken a suit or broadside casualty, I move on to the next and try and provoke as many morale checks as possible.

It should be possible to put morale checks on every suit or broadside unit on my first round of shooting. Assuming I begin the game.

Did I mention that I really need to start?

A final problem I tend to have against Tau is them hiding behind vehicles with their suits. That should not be an issue here considering they only got two devilfish. My mobility should take nicely care of that.

/Dear Santa. If you let me win the rolloff I promise to be a good boy.

fredag den 8. juni 2012

Pre heresy jump packs

Got myself 10 pre heresy jumppacks from Chapter house studios.

Im gonna magnetize them and use them on my early-heresy Thousand sons.

Why magnetize them you might ask? Or maybe you wont. But im still gonna answer.

Im running short on thoursand sons marines and grey knight stormbolter arms and I really dont wanna bother with getting more. So its easier just magnetizing 10 backpacks and 10 jumppacks and using the minis for whichever I fancy for a given fight.

tirsdag den 5. juni 2012

40K drunken Dark eldars vs. CSM

Last friday Andy and I decided to throw down somce dice.

Disclaimer: this is not so much a battlereport as it is a drunken essay.

As it turned out, moving plastic dollies around and rolling dice came in second to having drinks.

We played with 2000 point lists. Andy wanted to try out the old school Chaos space marine build with 12 rhinos versus my dark eldars.

Andy´s list had the following in it. Or that is what I remember through my vodka haze.

Sorcerer with Lash of submission

3x 5 Chosen with 2 meltaguns, 2 flamers in rhinos
6x 5 Marine with a meltagun in rhinos
2x 5 Raptors with 2 meltaguns
3x 5 Havocs with 2 meltaguns, 2 flamers in rhinos

My list the usual bunch of wyches with tight buns and warriors in too tightfitting spandex suits.

Succubus with agoniser


3x 3 Trueborn with blasters in Venoms

5x 5 Warriors with blasters in Venoms
1x 8 Wyches in a Raider with flickerfield and nightshield

2x 4 Reavers with heatlances

3x Ravagers with nightshield and flickerfield

So where were I?

Ohh yeah we were gonna play some 40K and have drinks. Every dead model would cost us a sip, every dead unit we would have to down the drink no matter how much remained.

My drink of choice was White russians the Dude style. Andy was drinking Gin and Tonics.

We played a game of pitched battle using NOVA 2011 missions.

Im not really sure I like the Nova missions. They are either do or die on the primary objective. If that ties it goes to seconady which also is do or die and so forth.
That just ensures that some matchups are autoloss for certain armies.

Recounting the battle.

Im not gonna try and make a proper battlereport. My recollections are much to hazy for that. What I am gonna do, is post some pictures and try to make som educated guesses about what we were doing.

This is our deployment. Two of the chosen squads were outflanking and the raptors were deepstriking.
I went first and started of trying to immobilize or wreck the front rhinos.

Instead of wrecking stuff I actually exploded two rhinos. Very uncharacteristicky shooting for my blasters and lances.

The above picture is the deadpile from my first round of shooting.

At this point Andy was getting ahead on the drinking part, considering that all his shooting was shortrange.

No shooting from the Chaos marines but alot of moving forward and smoking. We decided to down our drinks just to make sure we didnt get behind on the drinking.

I split my forces in two trying to pull the chaos marines in two different directions and diffusing their power. Much easier for me to shift sides on the table with turbo boosts than it is for rhinos and footslogging chaos marines.

I sort of did manage to pull the chaos forces in two directions, but both groups of chosen decided to come in at the same time from the same side. Which sort of was bad news for me.
At this point I was starting to loose stuff to meltaguns.

Also the drinks was going to my head at this point.

Obviously the drinks were also getting to Andy. Is he trying to make love to my wall?

I was pushing the the rhinos and chaos forces away from my side. The continued fire from the Venoms and Ravagers were taking their toll.
But it would not help me. Several rhinos were sitting on the obejtctives with scoring units inside them.

So considering both of us were moderately drunk by this time, having had half a bottle of booze each or more we decided to roll the dice for continuing after turn 5 already at the end of turn 4. There were no way I could contest or claim enough objectives before turn 6. And probably not even by then.

It came up a 1 and we called it a game.

The real winner of the game was ..... the alcohol

Andy staggered home and I for whatever reasons decided to hit the town and went to the Distortion party on Vesterbro.

mandag den 4. juni 2012

Reinforcements has arrived!

I been playing the same Dark eldar list consistently for quite some time now.

And it is not that im tired of it, but I do fancy mixing it up a bit.

So i decided to change my normal lineup for the coming Clash of the Titans, 2nd round. June 24th.

Im still playing with my standard list in the 40K Masters league since the lists are locked for the duration of the league.

Anyways. My previous Clash list was:
Succubus: agoniser

3x 3 Trueborn: 3 blasters in dual splintercannon Venoms

4x 5 Warriors: 1 blaster in dual splintercannon Venoms
1x 5 Wyches: haywire grenades in a Raider with shockprow
1x 7 Wyches: hekatrix, agnosier, haywire grenades in a Raider with shockprow, flickerfield. night shield

1x 3 Reavers with a heatlance

3 Ravagers with flickerfield, nightshield

I still like the core of this army. The Trueborns and the Ravagers and the buttloard of Venoms. What I want to change is the assault element of the army. I wanna remove that part from being dependant on the vehicles. They die too easy and then the wyches and the succubus are stuck in whereever the raider went down.

Cue the reinforcements.

So I bought some reinforcements a little while ago and I bought some today.

Im considering two lists. I bought the minis to build them both but naturally I will only be able to field one at Clash of the Titans. 

List one, 1850 points

Baron Sathonyx                                                                                                         105

3x 3 Trueborn                                                                                                            438
- 3 blasters
- Venom: 2 splintercannons

5x 5 Warriors                                                                                                            625
- Venom: 2 splintercannons

5 Beastmasters                                                                                                          228
- 4 Khymeras, 8 Razorwings
3 Reavers                                                                                                                   78
- heat lance

3 Ravagers                                                                                                                 375
- flickerfield, nightshield

My thoughts on this list:
 Im going somewhere close to what I would call the bare minimum on the troops. Being T3 5+ armor save sitting in paperplanes they are quite vulnerable to someone who concentrates on them.

On the other hand I have to make a compromise on the blasters, i got one less blaster and two less dark lances compared to the other list. The raiders are swapped for Venoms. That increases my anti infantry shooting and lessen my anti armor shooting.

The tradeof is the wyches for the beast squad. Im trading in scoring close combat wyches for non scoring close combat beastmasters. This tradeof Im sort of ambivalent about, usually I do not like throwing troops away in closecombat. That results in my sometimes holding back when I think I might need the wyches for objectives. So having my assault/counterassault element in fast instead of troops might make me use them more decisively.

Finally theres the Baron for the Succubus/Haemonculus switch.
The Baron nets me stealth for the beast unit but I loose the closecombat prowess of the Succubus. Also no more starting with a paintoken.
This is not the worst tradeof since I also get +1 to the starting roll.

A list that plays similar to my previously prefereed list, but with a big stealthed beast unit to use for applying pressure to the enemy.

List two, 1850 points

Baron Sathonyx                                                                                                         105
Haemonculus                                                                                                             55
- Venomblade

3x 3  Trueborn                                                                                                           438
- 3 blasters
- Venom: 2 splintercannons

3 Wracks                                                                                                                    95
- Venom: 2 splintercannons
16 Hellions                                                                                                                 281
-helliarch, agoniser
4x 5 Warriors                                                                                                            500
- blaster
- Venom: 2 splintercannons

3 Ravagers                                                                                                                 375
- nightshield, flickerfield

My thoughts on this list:

As in list one this list uses the same elite and heavy choices. The big difference is that instead of beastmasters we use the Baron to take Hellions as troops.
This way I still get to keep a good amount of troops but also get a good assault unit.
Already got 10, need 10 more.

Now the question to wether Hellions are good assault units is probably moot. They are not.

But what might make them, is starting with two paintokens.

So we get a Haemonculus and a unit of wracks, who are troops thanks to the Haemonculus.
Besides two paintokens to shuffle around, we also got another troop choice in a Venom.

Back to the Hellions. If we let the Baron start with the Wracks and the Haemonculus with the hellions we can easily swap two tokens onto the Hellions when we move the Haemonculus away from the Hellions and the Baron away from the Wracks.
All of a sudden we have a unit that has furious charge, feel no pain, stealth and rerolls dangerous terrain. They have strenght 5 on the charge (the Baron has 7), but unfortunately only WS 4. At the size of 16 they charge with 48 attacks not counting the Baron. This is enough to get a couple of penetrating hits even on vehicles that moved fast. And infantry short of terminators with feel no pain, should also be crumpling beneath the torrent of attacks. Its all delivered on initiative 6 ofcourse.

Finally as in the other list i loose 1 blaster and two dark lances but the inclusion of a shooting durable assault element with a pretty big threath range makes this an interesting change to my list.

The idea for this list came from Andy. To begin with i didnt fancy it but I warmed to the idea of 16-20 scoring jump troopers with 3+ cover, furious charge and feel no pain.

Which list?

Time and test games will tell. Tomorrow im gonna play list two against Klaus and his Space wolves. I plan to get in at least 3 or 4 more test games before the 24th and the next Clash.

Come back and see if there shouldnt be an update or two about how each list fares.