torsdag den 4. oktober 2012

Chaos space marine codex !!!

This is gonna be a short one.

With Chaos coming You may say Im invigorated. Im definately gonna up my gaming and thereby my blogging again.

Im not gonna do a review or anything of the new Chaos Space Marine codex. Theres enough people and sites out there who will do that. What I AM gonna do is get my Black Legion out of the closet.

Whats new and what does that mean to me and my Black Legion?

At first glance I see a codex that is pretty much the same as before, with some new units added, mostly the daemon engines and the daemonically twisted marines (warp fiends and mutilators),

The prices have been adjusted here and there. Options have been added to flesh out your marines in whichever way you fancy, New wargear and such is available.

Some chaotic elements have been added like the Boon Table, which looks like great fun if you ask me.
Theres also some new rules like Veterans of the long war and the Champion of chaos which might screw you or the opposition ever so much!!!

Get on with it dude, you said short post .....

Uhmm yeah I did, didnt I?

Anyways three builds are tickling my imagination so far, with this codex. Im sure there will be more as time moves on. But these three are what I magine I will work towards fielding on this side of christmas.

The Curbstomping Lord list:
- two OP chaos lords who will get in your face immediately.

The horde list
- cultists, chaos marines and more cultists swamping the table.

The vehicular manslaughter list
- how many shooty hulls can i cram into a list?

Im gonna post these three lists over the next week or so, and my thoughts on them, and how much I will actually have to build before being ready with them.

Also tournament season is starting this weekend with the Giant fanatic tournament. Look for back here for updated posts on how I fare with my Dark Eldars in my first real 6th edition tournmanent.

/Forever war

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