Today is three games and a quiz. Tomorrow will be two games painting score and sportsmanship score.
I will update the results as I finish games. Probably no battle reports this time but I will do an after tournament analysis.
Game 1
Opponent: StefamArmy: Imperial guard
Mission: 2 objectives and my secret objective was unit in his deployment zone. I forgot his secret objective.
Result: 7 - 13 win for Stefan. We tied on primary, he won seconday and tertiary.
Well whats to say. The game was an uphill struggle against hordes of mech. Add in that the hydra flakk battery got it self immobilized so suddenly they could fire on two targets. Damn them!!!
The game also saw both os us making a lot of rookie mistakes. Forgetting to move or run. Which cost us both the primary objective.
When the game ended all i had left was a warrior squad in one corner and a trueborn squad in another.
Game 2
Opponent: AndreasArmy: Chaos space marines
Mission: Relic and my secret objectives was controlling most table quarters. Forgot what his was.
Result: 16 - 4 for me. I won primary, We tied secondary and tertiary.
Summary;: Andreas seized on me, but couldnt bring anything within firing range since i rolled the warlord trait for nightfighting. On my turn 1 i put some wounds on the big bad nurgle daemon and nearly wiped out a havoc squad. Andreas´ second turn saw some casualties in my lines but nothing really important. Then came my turn two and the arrival of my flyers. I nearly broke him on my turn two. 12 Marines died in two 10 man squads. A single oblieterator was killed. The terminators were getting sidetracked out on one wing.
Then came the perfect round for Andreas. His few remaining weapons fired. Five heavy weapons equalled five dead skimmers. Dark eldars were killed in explosions, squads were pinned and broken. Suddenly there were balance of sorts in the game again.
The remainder of the game saw the struggle for the relic in the middle growing less and less intense, until only a couple of dark eldars were left out there to hold the objective high.
Game 3
Opponent: RasmusArmy: Grey Knights + Imperial guard
Mission: 4 Objectives and my secret objective was slay the warlord. His was wiping out all my troops.
Result: 12 - 8 for me. We tied the primary. I won the secondary and we tied the tertiary.
Summary: a hard fought battle that swung both ways. We both pressed towards the two objectives in the other dployment zone. I managed to kill most transports but nearly too late. My splinterrack raiders and venoms died nearly as fast as his transports. His troops really took a beating everytime i opened a transport. Unfortunately my skimmers dropped out of the air like snowflakes at a fairytale christmas.
The only thing that held me in the fight was my two jetfighters and my bomber. They did prett good too. Esepcially the bomber with the voidbom killing 4 men and a dreadnought.
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