søndag den 28. oktober 2012

Abaddon fail

Abaddon, 10 chosen with 4 meltaguns and champion with poweraxe VS. one (1) Purifier justicar!!

Justicar charges.
One wound on snapfire, its saved.
Cleansing flame wounds five times.
Abaddon (three wounds left) fails three armour saves and dies.
The Justicar challenges the champion and kills him
The Chosen roll 8 and are run down by the single justicar .............

Guess we know who is up for Grandmaster promotion!

Suck it Purifier!!!

lørdag den 27. oktober 2012

kitbashing and reinforcements

I needed som reinforcements. My heavy slot from 5th edition consisted entirely of 9 Obliterators and 2 predators. And ofcouse alot of havocs but mainly with meltaguns, missile launchers and lascannons.

So I needed something new. Not that those things do´nt work anymore. They do. Obliterators became good with mark of nurgle, predators got dirt cheap and havocs are the new black. At least for my black legion ...... badabuuuum:)

But new codex equals new toys and I wanted some.

Enter the Fiends

Got myself two fiends painted up for my Black legion.

They are magnetized to swap between Forge- and Maulerfiends. Also all the weapon options are magnetized except for the lashertendrils.

Autocannon Havocs

Cheap as a whore on the harborfront on a slow tueday afternoon and packing more firepower than the local drugdealers. That is the Havocs in a nutshell.

But how to get all those autocannons? The Havoc kit is incredibly useless. You get one of each heavy weapon and its all resin. So when I decide i want at least 12 new autocannons and preferably 14 what do I do?

Kitbash ofcourse ......

Looking over the options I was pretty constrained by what I could get from bit sites in the amount of 10+. So the decision came down to taking the old heavy bolter and putting the barrel of the Imperial guard autocannon on it. It came out pretty neat I think, Just need to decide if I want to put the ammodrum on them or not. It does not fit prefectly but it does look alittle bit more "anti light armor" than the beltfed heavy bolter.

fredag den 19. oktober 2012

6th edition is all about allies.

Much of new synergi comes from allied forces taking the field with you. Most armies need the allies to be competitive in 6th edition, a few do´nt.

Its no secret that no army can do everything at an affordable point cost. Be it either close combat, screening, cheap shooty transports, flyers, psychich defense or offense, long range fire or something else. Some armies are better of than others and some army builds allow you to compensate for the lack of some of the shortcomings, by for example survivability or mobility.

My Chaos and allies

So a week or two ago i delved into a list combining Tau with my Chaos space marines. Since I only have a smaller Tau army made specifically as an allied force, I wont be doing the reverse excersise. What I am gonna do is do a list combining Chaos with my newly bought Imperial guard force.
The Imperial guard force is also bought to be an allied force only. It is therefor pretty limited in what I can deploy.

The weakness of Chaos

Besides evil turning upon itself and such yadda yadda, chaos in my oppinion suffers from two weaknesses. Our shiny new codex got no good dedicated shooting transports. Our cheap troops has a habit of getting really expensive really fast, if you try to make them good.

Enter the Imperial guard ...... the corrupted variant.

Found this pic on the web. Nice job to whomever did it.

Ok so which slots does Chaos do well? In 6th edition chaos space marines has good fast and heavy slots. Troops are decent and elite is bleh. I dont really fancy spending points on elites, unless its stuff I moved to troops from there.
Imperial guard on the other hand, does just about all slots well. Especially troops shine and they have solid good choices in fast and heavy as well.

The 2000 point Chaos + imperial guard list

So doing it in reverse, this is what im aiming at fielding as an allied force

Company command squad
- 3 plasmaguns, chimera

Platoon command squad
- 3 meltaguns, chimera
2 Infantry squads
- 1 meltagun, 1 autocannon, chimera

1 Vendetta

That in itself is a pretty decent amount of shots being poured out. But its mostly a force that hangs back or moves slowly into the midfield. Which is where you want to be, if you want to win games with objectives.
I do have two Hydra flak tanks, a manticore and a medusa but the points are getting used up really quick. So I will settle for troops in chimeras massing melta and plasma and a flyer.

So now the jump to the chaos part.

Here im looking for upping the firepower even more and adding a fist to the face component, in the form and shape of some (counter)assault. I also wanna make my presence felt in the air with some drakes.

Chaos lord
- bike, mark of khorne, sigil of corruption, axe of blind fury, mutation

2x 5 Chaos space marines
- 1 plasmagun, 1 combi-plasma, veterans of the long war, rhino

7 Chaos bikers
- mark of khorne, 2 meltaguns

2 Heldrakes
- bale flamer

2x 5 Havocs
- 4 autocannons
6 Havocs
- 4 missile launchers, veterans of the long war

Chaos lord on a bike?

So what does this list bring? It brings a whole lot of strenght 6, 7 and 8 mid- to longrange firepower. Actually over 35 shots on both infantry and vehicle platforms. And ofcourse the three twin linkedlascannon shots.
It brings between 5(7) and 10(14) plasmashots, alongside 7 meltaguns.
It has 4 hull mounted heavy flamers and 2 bale flamers to deal with MEQ and hordes alike.
It can do two vectorstrike runs against both flying monstrous creatures, flyers and groundtargets.
It has airsuperiority over most armies except dedicated imperial guard lists and Necron airforce lists. And yes the havocs with autocannons can actually do pretty ok in a pinch against flyers.

It is lacking a bit in the troop department. I would have liked to squeeze in more CSM troops, but im just so in love with the new Chaos bikers and biker lords. Im also slightly short on hull points. I prefer being able to field between 30 and 40 hull points when I use vehicles in my armies. Either that or the vehicles being inconsequential to my plans.

The one thing I would have liked in this list, that there isnt point for is an aegis defenseline with a qaud gun for the havocs. That would have made my day.

torsdag den 11. oktober 2012

Abaddon rising? 2000 point Chosen list

I have been thinking on how to implement Abaddon and chosen in a list. I wanna cram as many chosen into it and I wanna cram as many hull points into it as inhumanly possible.

Abaddon 265

Preferred enemy space marines? Ok so I get to reroll 1´s on hit and wound against 2/3 of the armies? I´ll take a piece of that.

4x 6 Chosen 732
- autocannon, 2 plasmaguns
- rhino
8 Chosen 184
- 4 meltaguns

6th edition gunboats for chaos!
Also more hull points and also some anti mech and anty MEQ shooting.

2x Heldrake 340
- bale flamer

Ima eat your face! and vector strike your ass. More hull points.

Landraider 245
- extra armour, dozerblades

Abaddons ride. And more hull points. The 8 chosen body guard goes here too.

2x Predator 230
- lascannon sponsons

Did I mention something about hull points? Ohh yea and they shoot back at you.

Will this list work? No idea ..... will I have fun? Definately ..... can I already field the army? Only thing im missing are the Heldrakes.

Im short on troops and the list doesnt really deal well with hordes. Also necron fliers with beam of death and despair might screw me over unless I zigzagged the list. Against marines this is gonna be utterly devastating, as long as I can keep a compact formation around Abaddon.

mandag den 8. oktober 2012

Another day another CSM build

And on to my 2nd foray into the 6th edition Chaos space marine codex.

So lets say I don´t fancy using vehicles at all. Lets say I fancy using only infantry. I could do an entire list of only CSM for that. But considering I got a Tau allies force sitting around, why not use them too?

So here goes .....

CSM + Tau foot list 2000 points

Dark Apostle
- gift of mutation, mark of nurgle, meltabombs

Because fearless bubble is awesome and mutations are cool. Remember Blinky?

3x 10 CSM
- 2 plasmaguns, combi-plasma, veterans of the long war

Hard to shift and good at removing MSU MEQ. Can also punch alittle in close combat against marines due to the hatred.

2x 30 Cultists
- 3 flamers

Whats not to like about 60 fearless dudes swamping the midfield with hollering and public nudity?

3x 2 Obliterators
- mark of Nurgle

Because instant killing them just became difficult. And they put out a decent firepower. Just need to remember to move them up behind the horde, since they can´t do lascannons twice in a row and I might want to use their brand new assault cannons.

- black sun filter, twin linked missile pod, hardwired drone controller, 2 gun drone
2 Shas´vra bodyguards
- twin linked missile pod, drone controller, 4 gun drone

For opening cans.
3 Crisis battlesuits
- Teamleader, 1 hardwired blacksun filter, hardwired drone controllers, 1 bonding knife, twin linked missile pods, 6 gun drone

Another unit for opening cans.
6 Fire warriors
Put these in reserve and run them onto a home objective in cover and have them hide on it.
1 Broadside battlesuit Shas´ui
- drone controller, 2 shield drones 

Threathening the Av 14/13 tanks just became a tiny bit easier.

Thoughts on the list:
Problem with this list are fliers. Solution is to ignore them and remove the enemy presence from the table. Could swap the CSM plasmas for meltas to have a better anti tank presence midfield, not sure on that one. I do think I got enough anti infantry dakka to remove most MEQ´s by sheer number of shots.

søndag den 7. oktober 2012

Game day 2 @ Giant Fanatic

Game 4:

Opponent: Benjamin
Army: Space marines + blood angels
Mission: Kill points

Result: 18 - 2 in my favor on kill points!!?!?!!

Summary:The game was very defensive. We both hid behind our defense lines and tried to stay out of the other persons shooting range. At first things swung in the dark eldar favor, as I manged for the 4th game in a row to get night fighting. Then when my flyers came in on turn two the marine force took some heavy punches to the groin.
It looked like the flyers would dominate from then on since no one dared to move into the other persons main force firing range. But a really good shooting round from the marine forces took out the bomber and one fighter. All of a sudden it was a draw. The game dragged on till turn 7 and nothing really happened for the two last rounds. The dark eldar forces managed to snipe a immobilised vindicator and a hurt rhino behind the defense line. A very narrow draw for the Dark eldars.

Game 5:

Opponent: Michael
Army: Necron
Mission: 4 objectives

Result: 20 - 0 win for the Necrons

Summary:It hurt to be me. The lords wouldnt stay dead. The lances wouldnt hit and Michael didnt make any mistakes. That and the fact that he managed to hold all of his three flyers out on turn two and I didnt manage to do the same. So his flyers got the jump on mine. I conceded in turn 4. I would much rather go out for a cup of coffee and wait for the award ceremony.


Best overall: Martin Bræmer
2nd place overall: Andy Horvath
Best painted army: Jens Gertsen
Best sportsman: Andy Horvath
Best team: TUD Omega

My placement: 11 out of 50 and our team was 2nd in the team tournament.

All in all a very enoyable tournament. My goal was top ten so I didnt quite make it, but with a soft dark eldar army thats quite ok. The Giant Fanatic crew was as always helpful, funny and made an awesome job. The only thing I didnt appreciate is when you´r in a rule dispute, your told to roll 4+ to decide.

lørdag den 6. oktober 2012

6th edition Chaos Space Marine builds

Been grinding away at the new Chaos Codex. The first thing that springs to mind, which I didnt dismiss outright was the Chaos lords.

The new chaos lords have alot of options and you can really make some nasty buggers. These lords will molest most things, except one or two special characters, in melee. Should you meet those special characters .... gun them down.

So we wanna make our lords hardcore killers. We wanna make sure they survive. We wanna make sure they get to the enemy.

HQ choice:

Chaos Lord 175
- bike, mark of tzeentch, axe of blind fury, sigil of corruption, mutation, veteran of the long war
Chaos Lord 165
- bike, mark of tzeentch, powerfist, sigil of corruption, mutation, veteran of the long war

Bikes should be selfexplanatory. He is T5 which is pretty much eternal warrior for most practical purposes. You get to the opposition fast and you get 3+ coversave, which is redundant for the lords themselves but not their body guards which we will see in a bit.
The sigil and the mark of tzeentch combined gives a 3++ invul save.
The weapons are there to gank the enemy. Veteran of the long was is for hatred in melee with all marine armies.
The mutation is there for one of the lucky resulsts and for flavor. Just cant say no to a little mutation.

Fast Choice

2x 7 Chaos Bikes 354
- 2 meltaguns, veterans of the long war, (1 meltabomb)

These are the body guards for the lords. If you wanna do one or two is up to you. Two adds a bit more flexibility but also gets pretty expensive.
They are tough nuts to crack with T5 and 3+ armour or cover save.

I been in two minds about wether to give the lords Nurgle marks instead and also giving the bikers mark of nurgle. Its Nurgle or Tzeentch. Can´t mix them.


6x 5 CSM 770
- plasmagun, (2 combi-plasma)
- rhino

The followup troops that come in behind the bikers to control the midfield. The plasmaguns are there to deal with MSU marines.


3x Forgefiend 525
These things are just awesome-sauce. The only shortcoming is AV12, otherwise 8 strenght 8 shots are gonna put dents in most things. And with the 5++ invul save and the ability to regen hull points. Whats there not to like.

The only thing i think this list has to worry about is flyer heavy lists. Otherwise the opposition is gonna get punched in the face and shot to bits and pieces.

fredag den 5. oktober 2012

Game day 1 @ Giant Fanatic

Ok so I got up at 7am to get ready for Giant Fanatic

Today is three games and a quiz. Tomorrow will be two games painting score and sportsmanship score.

I will update the results as I finish games. Probably no battle reports this time but I will do an after tournament analysis.

Game 1

Opponent: Stefam
Army: Imperial guard
Mission: 2 objectives and my secret objective was unit in his deployment zone. I forgot his secret objective.

Result: 7 - 13 win for Stefan. We tied on primary, he won seconday and tertiary.

Well whats to say. The game was an uphill struggle against hordes of mech. Add in that the hydra flakk battery got it self immobilized so suddenly they could fire on two targets. Damn them!!!

The game also saw both os us making a lot of rookie mistakes. Forgetting to move or run. Which cost us both the primary objective.
When the game ended all i had left was a warrior squad in one corner and a trueborn squad in another.

Game 2

Opponent: Andreas
Army: Chaos space marines
Mission: Relic and my secret objectives was controlling most table quarters. Forgot what his was.

Result: 16 - 4 for me. I won primary, We tied secondary and tertiary.

Summary;: Andreas seized on me, but couldnt bring anything within firing range since i rolled the warlord trait for nightfighting. On my turn 1 i put some wounds on the big bad nurgle daemon and nearly wiped out a havoc squad.  Andreas´ second turn saw some casualties in my lines but nothing really important. Then came my turn two and the arrival of my flyers. I nearly broke him on my turn two. 12 Marines died in two 10 man squads. A single oblieterator was killed. The terminators were getting sidetracked out on one wing.
Then came the perfect round for Andreas. His few remaining weapons fired. Five heavy weapons equalled five dead skimmers. Dark eldars were killed in explosions, squads were pinned and broken. Suddenly there were balance of sorts in the game again.
The remainder of the game saw the struggle for the relic in the middle growing less and less intense, until only a couple of dark eldars were left out there to hold the objective high.

Game 3

Opponent: Rasmus
Army: Grey Knights + Imperial guard
Mission: 4 Objectives and my secret objective was slay the warlord. His was wiping out all my troops.

Result: 12 - 8 for me. We tied the primary. I won the secondary and we tied the tertiary.

Summary: a hard fought battle that swung both ways. We both pressed towards the two objectives in the other dployment zone. I managed to kill most transports but nearly too late. My splinterrack raiders and venoms died nearly as fast as his transports. His troops really took a beating everytime i opened a transport. Unfortunately my skimmers dropped out of the air like snowflakes at a fairytale christmas.
The only thing that held me in the fight was my two jetfighters and my bomber. They did prett good too. Esepcially the bomber with the voidbom killing 4 men and a dreadnought.

Army for the Giant Fanatic tournament

I been going back and forth lately between Grey Knights + Deathwing and Dark eldar. One is optimized and for trying to place high in the event. The other is for kicks and giggles.

I decided to go for kicks and giggles.


2x 5 Trueborn with 2 dark lances in Raiders with nightshield

3x Wracks in a Raider with nightshield
2x 10 Warriors with dark lance, blaster and sybarite in a Raider with nightshield and splinterrack
3x 5 Wyches with haywire grenades in Venoms with extra splintercannons and nightshield

2x Razorwing Jetfighters with nigthshield, flickerfield, 4 shatterfield missiles
1x Voidraven Bomber with nightshield, flickerfield, 4 shatterfield missiles

torsdag den 4. oktober 2012

Chaos space marine codex !!!

This is gonna be a short one.

With Chaos coming You may say Im invigorated. Im definately gonna up my gaming and thereby my blogging again.

Im not gonna do a review or anything of the new Chaos Space Marine codex. Theres enough people and sites out there who will do that. What I AM gonna do is get my Black Legion out of the closet.

Whats new and what does that mean to me and my Black Legion?

At first glance I see a codex that is pretty much the same as before, with some new units added, mostly the daemon engines and the daemonically twisted marines (warp fiends and mutilators),

The prices have been adjusted here and there. Options have been added to flesh out your marines in whichever way you fancy, New wargear and such is available.

Some chaotic elements have been added like the Boon Table, which looks like great fun if you ask me.
Theres also some new rules like Veterans of the long war and the Champion of chaos which might screw you or the opposition ever so much!!!

Get on with it dude, you said short post .....

Uhmm yeah I did, didnt I?

Anyways three builds are tickling my imagination so far, with this codex. Im sure there will be more as time moves on. But these three are what I magine I will work towards fielding on this side of christmas.

The Curbstomping Lord list:
- two OP chaos lords who will get in your face immediately.

The horde list
- cultists, chaos marines and more cultists swamping the table.

The vehicular manslaughter list
- how many shooty hulls can i cram into a list?

Im gonna post these three lists over the next week or so, and my thoughts on them, and how much I will actually have to build before being ready with them.

Also tournament season is starting this weekend with the Giant fanatic tournament. Look for back here for updated posts on how I fare with my Dark Eldars in my first real 6th edition tournmanent.

/Forever war