mandag den 26. november 2012

The Black Legion marches on (vs. IG)

The first engagement of the Black Legion in the Feast of blades was against the Imperial guard.

A multitude of men, artillery, armor and cavalry were facing the chaos lord and his few and depraved chaos marines.

The mission: 5 objectives that gave 1 victory point for each turn it was held, and secondaries in a dawn of war deployment.


I went first and deployed evenly over my entire line. I wanted to have clear firing lanes and with my long ranged fire spaced out there would be nowhere the imperial artillery could be safe.

My lord and his biker buddies were ready to punch forward and lay death and destruction upon the battlelines of the enemy.

Anders is looking pleased with himself. He is pretty sure the massed fire  of the Guard will stop me.

The first turns

I begin the game and my fire immediately whittels away the Hellhound which explodes and kills several horsies. They manage to hold steady and eventhough almost cut down by 50% they still wait for the right moment to countercharge.


The midgame

The lord and the bikes moved up right into the face of the guard and prepared to take
the punishing plasma and lasgun fire of over 20 guardsmen. After the shooting the lord and three out of eight bikers were still alive.

The lord moved in for the kill and with the remaining of his buddies defeated a blob squad and ran them down.

Meanwhile rhinos with marines in them and chosen on foot moved slowly into the midfield while grinding away at the guardsmen.

The lord were countercharged and killed by the remaining horsies which in turn were gunnned down. By now my chaos forces were pulling ahead, holding more objectives each round than the guard and pushing them back all over the place.

The vendetta came in with 10 veterans in it ready to turn the tide of the battle. A failed shooting from it left the predator shaken and 1 hull point short but otherwise unscathed. The next round a snapfire from the predator rolled a 6 to hit, a 6 to pen and a 5+1 for the result and send the vendetta hurtling towards the ground leaving only two veterans alive.

The end game

The dreadnought equipped with reaper autocannon and missile launcher decided to go Angron style on the two gryphons and wrecked them in melee. That sort of ended the entire fight. The guardsmen were still holding on to one objective and a ruin in the other end of the table. A scatted and beaten but still spoling for a fight chaos force, were holding three of the remaning four objectives.

Chaos went of the the engagement as the victor. Several points ahead of the guard.

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