lørdag den 17. november 2012

How to use Chaos Spawns

Been building my spawns, Amazing how the worst unit ever in the old codex can go to one of the most awesome units in the new codex.

I want five of them to run with one of my lords.

So which way to run them and what lords to bring?

Slaanesh marked spawns:
One higher initiative? not too bad but then again going from 3 to 4 isnt a world of difference. So I get to strike at the same time as marines. The lord running with them should either have dealt with those by initiative step three or at least have made the repraisal irrelevant. Maybe run these fellas with a slaanesh lord on a steed, for outflanking shenanigans.

Tzeentch marked spawns:
Erhmm. Say no to drugs, drunk driving and Tzeentch marked spawns. 6++ is irrelevant. Especially at that cost. Maybe a Tzeentch bike lord with sigil for 3+ invul save could be fun to roll with from time to time. But then I would run the spawns unmarked.

Khorne marked spawns:
Do´nt think so. Either they have enough attacks to do what they are meant to do or they dont. Being Khorne marked doesnt do any real difference. Besides if they were Khorne marked, so would the lord running with them also be. Which again would mean Axe of blind fury and more than plenty killyness.

Nurgle marked spawns:
These pussfilled babies are what we will see most often. T6 is nice on a three wound critter. Especially considering they dont have any save except for whichever cover they can get for themselves. They will be hard to kill and being beasts they will get to you pretty fast. With these little fat blobs of mutations I would run a Nurgle lord on a bike. Gear him up with sigil and a powerfist and you have one tough acne covered teenager on a nerdrage rampage.

Unmarked Spawns:
If I want to run a Khorne lord. Be it on bike or Juggernaut these will be the ones to go with him. 15 ablative wounds on T5 running towards you with their mutated penises hanging out, will make you have to deal with them. Especially considering the Axe of blind fury thats also sitting in the middle of the pack.

Spawn tactics:
I will have to use terrain to my advantage. As beasts the spawns ignore terrain for movement purposes. The lord with them will if he is one a bike has to take some dangerous terrain rolls, but being able to take armour saves against them thats ok. Terrain provides the spawns with a much needed cover save, to compensate for their lack of armour.

When the spawns are not being used as ablative wounds and delivery system for a mean old chaos lord they will act as counter assault and tar pit. Being T5 or 6 and having three wounds combined with fearless makes them annoyingly difficult to whack your way through, unless your a mean closecombat unit like thunderhammer terminators.

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