tirsdag den 20. november 2012

Feast of blades 2 (league)

At my local club, Emperors Pride, we are running a league presently. The feast of blades 2. We got 17 players divided between 4 groups of four or five players.
Each person plays once against the other group members. A win is two points,a  draw one and a loss ofcourse nil.

The Black legion marches again .....

I decided to field my black Legion for the Feast. Our armies are comped, using an internal club system to balance out the armies to some degree .....

This is what Im fielding for the entire league. Its fixed lists.

Chaos lord
- mark of khorne, bike, axe of blind fury, sigil of corruption

- reaper autocannon, missile launcher
7 Chosen
- autocannon, 2 plasmaguns

10 CSM
- 2 plasmaguns, veterans of the long war, rhino
10 CSM
- 2 meltaguns, veterans of the long war, rhino
- plasmagun

- lascannon sponsons
6 Havocs
- 4 autocannons

The matches

Over the last 3 weeks I been playing three games against the other players in my group.

Anders with his Imperial Guard
- 2 large blobs of guardsmen, a manticore, two gryphons, a vendetta, a leman russ and some horsies.

Nicolai with his Grey Knights
- all foot list with strike squads, terminators a dreadknight and a dreadnought.

Magnus with his Daemons
- a flying keeper of secrets, a blood thirster and a daemon prince, three groups of plaguebearers, a group of fiends, flamers and some khorne dogs with Kharnak.

In tomorrows update I will give a brief overview of how the matches went.

My lord and his biker buddies are deployed for fun times.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Tomorrows long gone...

    How did you bulld your lord?

  2. Just a chaos biker with a terminator poweraxe. Nothing particularly fancy. He is gonna be replaced at some point by a real khorne lord on a juggernaut. But this was what i managed to get ready for the Feast.

  3. Just a chaos biker with a terminator poweraxe. Nothing particularly fancy. He is gonna be replaced at some point by a real khorne lord on a juggernaut. But this was what i managed to get ready for the Feast.

  4. Just a chaos biker with a terminator poweraxe. Nothing particularly fancy. He is gonna be replaced at some point by a real khorne lord on a juggernaut. But this was what i managed to get ready for the Feast.

  5. Just a chaos biker with a terminator poweraxe. Nothing particularly fancy. He is gonna be replaced at some point by a real khorne lord on a juggernaut. But this was what i managed to get ready for the Feast.

  6. Just a chaos biker with a terminator poweraxe. Nothing particularly fancy. He is gonna be replaced at some point by a real khorne lord on a juggernaut. But this was what i managed to get ready for the Feast.
