The mission: in a hammer and anvil deployment the board was divided up in 4 zones of equal size. Our own deployment zone gave no points and the opponents the most.
The first turns
The Grey Knights deployed in force in the center as close to the center as possible. They had to considering that they were entirely on foot.
My forces of mayhem and destruction deployed entirely in cover and far enough back to avoid any shooting in turn one, except for the dreadnought. I made my center weak and my flanks strong to better suck him into the weakest spot of my army and allow flanking units to get past him and into the scoring zones.
The bikes went around or through the ruin to threathen the interceptors and strike marines trying to block the flank.
In a round of close combat where the lord was frowned upon by the chaos gods, the Grey Knights managed to hold and kill five bikers.
The midgame
Repeated fire from the predator, forgefiend, chosen and havocs managed to kill the dreadnought and put some serious dents in the DreadKnight.
The Grey knights were closing in though and casualties started piling up in the chaos ranks. Their transports were smoking hulls or craters in the ground. The Chaos marines were too numerous for the terminators sitting heavily in the center of the chaos deployment zone. The Dreadknight would have to help clear up the mess and give the Brotherhood from Titan the victory.
After a round of combat where a group of chaos marines broke and ran, just to regroup and snapfire on the Dreadknight and its one remaning wound. They failed to hit it and so did the predator at point blank range. Then the Dreadknight charged in again to clean up the mess just to be killed by an angry marine who pistolwhipped it to death in close combat.
The end game
On the right flank a rhino with marines in it, the lord and a single biker were deep in the Grey knight zones, with only a single Librarian able to threathen their hold on them.
The librarian did a splendid job first killing the khorne lord (Khorne was pleased either way), then grinding through the chaos marines. But little did it help. A single biker were hiding behind a ruin to score the zone.
The game ended as an overwhelming victory to the chaos forces eventhough they were wildly depleted by the end. One scoring 1-man unit in each of the zones on the Grey Knight table quarter and a single denial unit in the chaos deployment zone as all it took.
The Black Legion marches onwards victorious and undefeated!