I think dislike is too mild, I hate them!
Disclaimer: this is a rant, if you do not want to read it feel free to head over here.
I hate them when I play my chaos armies because ..... Well because my first army was Thousand Sons and being a real fluff bunny when I started playing the game, who could forgive them for Prospero.
I also dislike Mortarion for what he did at the council of Nikaea and for a very long time i refused to buy plaguemarines for my chaos space marines.
But thats an entirely different story.
So the wolves came and burned down Prospero and pushed Magnus and his sons over to chaos.
Besides that who could love those selfrighteous loudmouthed sheepshagging braggarts. I mean .... vikings in space. My heritage is insulted back several generations.
Thats what made me hate them fluff-wise.
So then I began playing Dark eldars.
And ohh boy did that hate get reaffirmed.
Any army that shoots alot is a problem for dark eldars. And do the wolves shoot alot? Yes siree!
On average a shooting fase from the Wolves will down between 3 and 6 of my skimmers in a single round.
The average wolf armies i face have about 10-11 firing units. That comes in at about 20ish shots fired, 13 hits for 10 glances or pens.
Now here is the bad part about playing Dark eldars in a all skimmer army.
Glances will fuck you up!
The best you can hope for is a weapon destroyed or an immobilized. Yeah stunned is not something you want since punching the enemy in the face fast and repeatedly, is what you´r all about. So a round where you can not shoot is bad, worse than being immobilized or loosing a single weapon.And with a deep sigh you realise that even glancing hits will wreck you 1 out of 6 times. Dont get me started on the number of times, I had boltgun fire wreck one of my venoms on a glancing hit.
and back to Space wolves .....
Ok so i didnt really say why the results from the space wolves in particular makes me hate them.
One unit can kill two of my skimmers?
Thats just so uncool. As I wrote glances will screw you up. So splitfire will, if not guarantee, then at least make it likely that you get two nice results on two different skimmers.
The wolves are not alone
I´d like to mention that I also dislike Grey knights and Imperial guards for many of the same reasons.
But that is a rant for a later time.
You want cheese with your whine?
Entertaining article by the way.