torsdag den 24. maj 2012

So who will be my next league matchup?

The league operates with two levels of scoring.

During a specific match theres up to 20 battlepoitns to fight over. The one with the most gets a win and 2 tournament points (TP). Ties give 1 TP and a loss is ofcourse 0.

So after the first round theres eight of us with a maximum point win. Eight players who took all 20 points in their matches.
So for the second round of the league, all winners are matched up against another winner. And battlepoints are used to match up among players with equal TP.

Which brings me back to the eight players with 20 BP.

Taus with his Battlewagon orcs
Majken with her Space wolf rhino/razor spam
Thomas with BA tank spam
Andy with his GK 10 or so assault cannon razorbacks
Alexander with horde orcs
Sune with some sort of Tau list
Thor with his allround SM list.

and me ofcourse with my Trueborn/Venom/Raider/Ravager spam.

You can´t reach me deployment!

Here comes the green tide!

So I drew Alexander and his orc horde for my next match.

Im pretty sure I played Alexander and his orcs at a cozy laid back tournament (Viking Con) last year. His orcs ate my daemons, but the match was fun and Alexander was a pleasant guy to spend a couple of hours pushing dolls with.

His army list looks something like this.

Ghazghkull Thraka
Warboss with powerklaw, bosspole, cybork body and combi skorcha.

2x 13 Lootas
15 Kommandos with Snikrot

3x 20 Boys with a powerklaw nob. 2 groups got 3 Rokkits
2x 11ish Gretchins with runtherd

1 Deffkopta with missiles and buzzsaw

2x 3 Biggunz

Thoughts on the matchup

I only ever played orcs once with my dark eldars and i had a narrow loss in a very close fought match against a Kan Wall
This time there wont be any Kans. Actually there wont be any armor at all, except for the Big Gunz.

This might be a blessing, since my trackrecord with dark lances and blasters against vehicles is slightly lacking at best.

That means I get to focus my dark matter weapons on something else.

So my main priority is to keep my Venoms alive. The longer they live, the more poison they can lay down on the orcs.
To keep my Venoms alive I will have to outmaneuver the orcs which initially should be pretty easy considering my speed and his lack thereof.
But as the orcs get to close in, movement will be restricted, but hopefully enough orcs have been killed by then to allow me to skip around them.

My target priority will also have to take this into account.

My Venoms will be focussing on the Lootas initially. After that it will be the boy squads with the rokkits and the kommandos when they arrive.

The trueborns and ravagers will focus on the big gunz first, followed by the single Deffkopta and the group that contains Ghazghkull.

Should the orcs get too close, I will move my Succubus and her wyches to counterassault and hopefully tie them up long enough for my skimmers to get clear.

Did the math. Still worried a bit.

So in this kind of matchup I can´t help think that it comes down to math and average rolls. I shoot a ton, he´s got a ton to shoot at.

He´s got 159 infantry targets and 6 artillery pieces.

I got 7 Venoms, 3 Ravagers, 29 guys with splinterrifles and 13 blasters, 13 Wyches a succubus and a haemonculus. Ohh yeah and 8 reavers for turboboosting towards objectives in the endgame.

So assuming I get to shoot for 5 rounds with all of my Venoms I will shoot a total of 420 shots.

These 420 shots will result in 336 hits and 168 wounds. Assuming cover for the orcs that is 84 dead orcs.

That still leaves me 70ish orcs to kill.

Then we leave out the Ravagers dark lances, since they will try and fuck up the Big Gunz.

13 Blasters for 5 rounds is 22 dead orcs.

Then we are down to a managable size. 50ish orcs.

That should be doable by the Reavers turboboosting over units and the wyches cleaning up in close combat.

This is all assuming that all my rolls are average and that Alexander doesnt shoot back :)

All in all a match im looking forward to. On monday we will know how it went.

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