mandag den 16. juli 2012

League match 5 pregame thoughts

So  tomorrow is my 5th league match.

I know I never got around to posting my fourth match against Thomas´ Blood Angels. Work caught up with me and then vacation.

The match was one of those where everything went wrong for me. I even made rookie mistake I usually dont make.
Anyways the match ended with me getting wiped of the board in turn 5.

And now that I had some vacation time to shrug that defeat off its time to face the swarm.

Earlier I faced the horde in the guise of Alexanders Orks. This time its the swam led by Jon. Jon plays a Tyranid list with five big critters and lots of infiltrators.

This game will be played using 5th edition rules as will the 6th and final match in the league.

The list

Tervigon, catalyst + adrenal glands, cluster spines, scything talons
Tervigon, catalyst + adrenal glands, cluster spines

2x 16 Genestealers

2x 3 hive guards
9 Ymgarl genestealers

Trygon, adrenal glands
Tyrannofex + rupture cannon+ cluster spines

Pre game analysis

As with the game against the orks, I believe I have an edge from the get go. My Venoms are perfect for dealing with Tyranids since vehicles are not an issue and my poisoned shots will wound anything on 4+.

The issue is not getting cornered by Stealers or Trygons or getting within range of the Hive guards. If I can avoid that my target priority should be pretty straight forward.

The Tervigons, the Tyrannofex and the Stealers.

The Tervigons because they will be spawning additional critters to flood the field. I dont want that happening as it will limit where I can move.
The Tyrannofex because it is the only thing that can kill my flyers from a range and finally the Genestealers because they are fast and pack enough attacks to glance and rend my skimmers to death.

So my target priority being set theres another factors to take into account. Movement.

Usually my movement against mech armies is done as to avoid part of their armies, denying them targets or range with part of their force.
This is not what I wanna do against a Tyranid force. Here I want to split up and divide their critters over as much of the board as possible. Should they get one Venom cornered they are far away from the others.

Look back thursday for a report on how the battle went.

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